UNIMAC-GHERRI was established in 2008 from the merging of two important Companies, which had already been active in the packaging fiels for ages: UNIMAC, manufacturer of automatic and semiautomatic palletisers and depalletisers, and GHERRI GINO, manufacturer of fillers, capping machines, cleaning machines. In January 1st, 2010 the production facilities, the offices and the general direction were moved and centralised in Montecchio Emilia, in a renovated and enlarged building. The merging of the two Companies was part of a clear strategy, i.e. to extend the production range, provide complete packaging lines and consolidate the presence on the worldwide markets by a synergic exploitation of distributing channels. UNIMAC and GHERRI have a similar culture, share the same principles and produce state-of-the-art machines responding to the most advanced technological needs. After their union customers can have one provided for the design and manufacture of turn-key solutions, tailor-made to suit their specific needs.